NightMare Agario

''this is the only correspondence received from Mr Samuel Jason, it is a printout of the diary that was found lying beside the destroyed computer. the dates of the events inside the diary are unknown. his current whereabouts are unknown, though he is thought dead.''

dear diary.

i remember the day very clearly. i was sitting at my computer, playing Agario as i normally did, when suddenly i received an invite to one of the private servers that agario hosts. this was unusual because i knew that none of my friends were online and no one i knew would invite me to a server any way because they did not play agario themselves, they thought it was a game for nerds. so any way, i know what you are thinking, diary, you must of on the invite, but i did not. i was cautious. i know this was not a good idea now because of the events that came later.

dear diary

what has happened today has proved it. opening that invite was a mistake. oh why did i ever think that opening an invite from a mysterious unknown source would generate a good result. anyway, enough of my moaning. today i was brave enough to open the mysterious invite. it had been sent again overnight. as soon as i opened the invite my computer went into sleep-mode for one second, displaying a black screen, and when it came out of it it was on the game. for some reason, all of the players must have been bots, because i consistently won every i played. then it began to get scary. after i lost the fist game i lost, the image on the screen of my game flickered and it went to a white screen with the words "you lost the game. now you lose your life". well i just laughed at that because i was not dead after reading that so i just thought it was a shitty message and full of ,the aforementioned, shit. i back on to the game. ...

Message peters out into unreadable scrawls.